CIAO CIAO!! Have safety flight back HOME!!
Check out this event date next year with SWV!!
Look at this picture that from Old to young that must passing the tradition from one generation to next!!
Old man to small boy also known very well of this dance!!
This was latest innovate curved wooden big boat by Deparment of Sains, Innovation & Technology and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)!!
Ms Zarinah of UMS taking photo of it for record!!
This was the oldest Lepa Lepa use of piece of log to make, use hand to paddle & depend on winds direction while behind it was latest motor wooden boat & the rest was painted beautiful!!
Next year hope can let Tourists to try ride or stay overnight!!
This Bajau dance in local words call "Mangalay"
The Bajau's dress can be any colour....
same as the Lepa Lepa must colourful but NO in Black & white!!
Little girl at this age already master the tradition dance skill!!
It is time to announce who the winner is?!
Here are the VIP stage!!
This is Datuk Dr Tengku Zainal Adlin chairman of Sabah Tourism Promotion Corporation!!
Pattern of Hawk curving!!
National & States's anthems were play by them!!
Can see the anchor also made from wood!!
Old day this group people care on reef but how about present day??
How many really care the Reefs now??
Come & listen yourself to judge!!
Here are Traffic police group for important person!!
Most of modern big wooden boats run with inboard motor engine!!
This Lepa Lepa was the winner 2009!!
Check out the date next year with SWV!!
This really a life time that can't be miss for the colourful event!!
Here shown old women play on tradition small small gong & in local words call 'Kulintangan'!!
This small girl practice the move of hand while her mom was teaching!!
SWV has bigger Gong display in resort!!
This was tow by a small boat on outboard motor!!
Some arrive back home to water village!! Old day people stay in the Lepa Lepa but nowaday many had built a house & stay in island!! Not easy to find big tree wood because many forest been cut down!! To keep the Forest, Tourism Industry play very important roles for economy here!! Not so much of Sea Bajau Boat people living on Lepa Lepa and nowadays live on big modern wooden inbound motor engine boat!!
Nice from semporna..
Thank you!!Proud to be a semporna, sabahan!!
great pictures....i loves regatta..
Come for the next year & make a date to experience its!!
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